​Hello from Russia

  • I bought this motorcycle from a company in Moscow, which brings and sells motorcycles from Germany and they do not know anything about the previous owner, because he had long since sold this bike to the warehouse from where it was taken.

    On such issues, Honda works in Russia like this - no way.

    Oh, I'll try to call this number! thanks for the information!

  • I bought this motorcycle from a company in Moscow, which brings and sells motorcycles from Germany and they do not know anything about the previous owner, because he had long since sold this bike to the warehouse from where it was taken.

    On such issues, Honda works in Russia like this - no way.

    Oh, I'll try to call this number! thanks for the information!

    Hmm, maybe you can try to call the company in Moscow to give you some information about the warehouse in Germany where they bought the bike from. Because then I think if you try to contact the german warehouse you probably get more information. Because, like you said, if the bike was left alone for a few years until the company in Moscow bought it, then it is possible that you are the second owner of the bike and it will probably be easier to figure out who was the driver before you, maybe a guy from my area. ;)
    To the point contacting Honda: try to call the Honda iternational service hotline and tell them your story and your NTV’s VIN, then you’ve got a lot more of information.



    Wenn ich frage, ein dickes Dankeschön. :D^^
    Wenn ich helfe oder antworte, ein liebes Bitte. :P

    Und vergesst nie: der Versatz und das Hubverhältnis, das macht die Seele eines jeden Motors aus. :thumbsup: