• Hi there,

    I really enjoyed reading your comments and tour describtions but our our intercontinal friends are not that active ;)

    Found a side of NTV-Fans in UK here they try to promote their forum and maybe we can help them to ?(



    Wenn du die Welt nicht mehr verstehst, bist du reif ein Individuum zu sein.

  • Hi all

    Got a shout from Gerd about this site.

    Came to have a look and the NTV growell forum is the one I am on............ 8)

    Don't speak german or dutch...... :(...........Sorry... :rolleyes:

    But would be interested in anyone who could help us get the NTV the recognition and status in the UK, as it rightly has in the rest of Europe.

    Enjoy &
    Ride safe


  • Hello, jaz66

    nice to hear any news out of the UK. The first NTVs I saw at London used for courier bikes, I was fascinated to see them driving.....

    You see what happened, I am still on NTV.......

    So, anytime I will come over again to UK by bike. It is so different to be a biker in UK than here on the continent, but I like it!

    Next week I am on holiday, with my classic Mini-Cooper at Dorset, Kent and West Sussex - Rallycross at Lydden, meet some friends, Sept. 2nd Minis By The Sea at Littlehampton and to breathe in the posh "Goodwood Revival" air :D
    so not unable to meet any guy of your Forum anywhere!

    Regards Andy RT

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hey jaz,

    welcome to our forums!

    It doesn't matter if you speak no german - coz here in the international part of the forums you can find people who are willing to help and speak at least a little english!

    I should think if you really want to promote your site, first of all you should be using a different, easy to remember domain name.

    I've checked for instance:



    They are all free to be registered.

    We made some good experiences with our NTV-Forum business cards. Most of the members help advertising by putting a card on to a NTV they see on the street.

    Also google is very important in gaining new members. As far as I can see it doesn't list your site with search terms "NTV Forum" or "NTV Honda Board" which is not good, because that is what you are...

    hope this helps,


  • Hey Jazz!

    Cool, only about 5 hours after my posting I got an answer :] Did you subscripe it?? Otherwise I can´t explain myself this quick answer....

    I really enjoy to read your greatings and your translation is totally okay!

    Gerd: You´re right, wasn´t for my information just didn´t find the main-board ;)

    I can´t help you suport your side in any other way than I did as I posted your homepage on this theme, but stez is given to you hopefully good instructions.

    * stez*: How does it work to register a homepage in Google?



    Wenn du die Welt nicht mehr verstehst, bist du reif ein Individuum zu sein.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hey mo,

    Well you cannot "register" with google .... you can just suggest that they index your site.

    to cut a long answer short:

    First you need to put certain information into the source-code of your website called Meta-Tags then you can visit googles website and ask for their robots to come and crawl your site --> Hier

    The rest is mainly placing links elsewhere and having good information on the site that is interesting for many people.

    I cannot answer how google ranks websites because it is their secret. There are however some points that are highly relevant --- the PageRank of your website and the Pagerank of sites that link to you. Plus the content. For example: If you have a PageRank 8 site that places a link to you, you'll be ranked higher in the search results than a site which is not linked at all or only linked on websites with low or no PageRank.


  • Hi all

    Mo, we aim to please
    (Plus it is always nice to get a reply, to a post... ;) )
    thank for the help promoting our board.
    Our 'Map' has doubled in size because of you people..Danke, soviel.!
    (I hope is right............. =) )

    Your are right. Making people aware of site is something we are learning.
    A lot of members have happened because we made an attempt to get E-Bay sellers of NTV bikes to use this link:

    "Hi Nice bike deserves a good price.
    Maybe giving potential punters an independent idea how reliable and capable these bikes are, will get you that best price?
    NTV Owners club has a page for potential NTV Buyers to see how well respected these bikes are.
    (YOU get a better price, WE get a new member)
    Why not drop by and see if a link on your auction would be a good idea?
    No offence taken if you say no.
    best of luck with auction.

    And the card idea is so simple yet very effective.
    We do intend to make a card up and give to NTV's we see parked up.

    Everyone, thank you for your help.
    Hopefully it won't be too long before we all meet up at a European NTV meeting.
    (summer has nearly gone, so maybe 2008 in bonn or berlin.. :] )

    Genießen und
    Safe reiten

    und für dein Verständnis und Unterstützung danke.
    Leben lang die NTV ..............; -)
